1. document adult play
2. how does the mundane relate to play?
3. play is not object based, but driven by human, a choice of participation.
4. how can we break down our inner walls that block our ability to to play, have fun, look silly
5. study / obser e play in mundane spaces
6. tie depressive attitude to play
7. make shadows 3D by tracing shadows (depth?)
8. use color things. each color is a code of data
9. sustainable strategies that are successful in scandinavia and how to apply to tucson
10. one panoramic scene, scroll
11. sculpture from the negative space of figures (moving)
12.  collage of desired elements of public space by community members and then drawing / illustrating / interpretting
13. interior landscapes
14. traditional play objects deconstructed and reconfigured
15. or paired with non-play objects or spaces
16. sleep slide swing eat sit stretch write walk reach tubmle teeter totter spin gather
17. nostalgia
18. slide bult into landscape, slide dream
19. quilt or weaving mapping my moods and time
20. paintings of my childhood memories
21. google image 3D Tucson and paint
22. household objects with very singular, specific use (like 1950’s) but contemporary
23. collecting all tags from purchased clothes and doing something with them
24. model the negative space in buildings
25. embrace the artificiality of a park
26. collage frowns over family stock photos
27. using a wall or fence to create a new space
28. mobile with bells
29. self portrait of my thinking face
30. lazy susan but the people move around instead
31. landscape of a golf course
32. start a new school, trade, barter, no heirarchy, all ages
33. cut each project into strips and collage together
34. i can see a lot of things from others i would like to create, but i do not think i can come with on my own. is this true?
35. life after death birthday party
36. art seems like it might be the most sustainable “career”
37. the hardest thing about making a decision is missing out on the experiences of the opposing decision. i want to experience it all
38. extra wide rocking chair / day bed
39. could you imagine moving as fast as an ant (scale)