My interests lie in the escape from drudgery and into one of freedom and agency over our limited time on earth. I am a designer, maker, and educator who focuses on play through an arts-based exploration of space, object, and environment. 

I explore the action of play as a way to bring awareness to our bodies and situate us in time and space. I define play as an act of resistance to the capitalistic, work obsessed culture steeped in the spaces we inhabit. Play is anti-establishment and anti-rules. Play is splendor and leisure. Play is complete self-agency.

I am inspired by the natural landscapes specific to place. A minimal intervention becomes the fulcrum that registers the temporality of the environment throughout the day and year. I am educated in architecture and a lifelong self-taught maker. I have enjoyed working with textiles, paint, wood, clay, wire, collage, and so on. I view my art and design practice as an opportunity to rediscover play through the act of intuitive making of things, with and for my body.

Tucson, AZ    2022